Study on Gearing Theory and Characteristic of Constant Instantaneous Contact Ratio Gear 瞬时重合度恒定的直齿圆柱齿轮传动原理研究
Sensor design and data processing for measuring the oil film thickness on instantaneous contact line by electric-capacity method 用电容法测量瞬时接触线上油膜厚度的传感器设计和数据处理
4) the equation of the angle between the direction of instantaneous contact line and relative velocity(?) The speed of gravity 瞬时接触线方向与合速度(?)引力的速度
Prediction of Instantaneous Maximum Temperature in Friction Contact Area by Spontaneous Electric Thermo Couple 用自然热电偶测量值估计摩擦接触的最高瞬时温度
Through the given equation, the instantaneous mesh characteristics can be simulated and calculated with computer. ( 1) The instantaneous contact line ( or point) and the normal direction of mesh gears. 通过给定方程,可用计算机模拟计算其瞬态啮合特性:①齿轮瞬时接触线(或点)和瞬时接触法线方向;
As a kind of application in the field of higher-pair gear transmission, Bertrand conjugate principle is studied and its basic characteristic is that the instantaneous contact line between a pair of Bertrand conjugate surfaces is the generator. 作为在高副传动领域的应用与延伸,研究了Bertrand共轭原理,其基本特征是一对Bertrand曲面在共轭的各瞬时接触线均为母线。
It changes the instantaneous contact status between grinding wheel and cam and leads to instantaneous surface contact/ non-contact. 带预紧硅泡沫垫层结构接触状态的有限元分析③改变砂轮与工件的瞬时接触状态,出现瞬时飘空、瞬时面接触;
Computer Aided Solution for the Instantaneous Contact Point of Multi-circular Arc Cam 多圆弧凸轮接触点位置的计算机辅助求解
From the viewpoint of compound motion, a common expression for finding the instantaneous curvature radii of relative motion path of contact points is directly derived by studying the contact points of two contact mechanisms. 本文从合成运动的观点出发,通过对两接触机构的接触点的讨论,直接给出了该机构接触点相对运动轨迹的瞬时曲率半径的一般表达式。
By applying the self-designed sensor and computer data-collection and processing system this experiment adopted grove cuttings by mean of high precision line-cutting technique and set up sensors along the direction of instantaneous contact line. 本试验研究应用自己设计的传感器和微机数据采集处理系统,传感器沿瞬时接触线方向设置采用精度很高的线切割工艺切槽。
The instantaneous curvature center in relative motion of contact point of the link mechanism is gained distinctly and directly by applying the concept of projective geometry. At the same time, an example is enumerated to illustrate the use of graphical solution. 本文运用射影几何的概念,明显、直观地给出了拨杆机构接触点相对运动轨迹瞬时曲率中心的几何位置,并举例说明了其应用。
Instantaneous Contact Zone and Contact Stress Distribution of Equal Base Circle Bevel Gear 等基圆锥齿轮的瞬时接触区和接触区应力分布